How to write a free verse poem for kids


Have you ever heard a poem that doesn’t rhyme? That’s a free verse poem, and it’s a fantastic way for kids to unleash their creativity and explore the world of writing!

What is Free Verse Poetry

Free verse poems don’t follow strict rules like rhyme schemes or meter (a specific rhythm). Instead, they focus on the natural rhythm of how we speak and allow for personal expression. Think of it like talking in a beautiful and descriptive way!

Free verse poetry has been around for a long time, but it became popular in the early 20th century.

Why is Free Verse Poetry Great for Kids

There are two main reasons why free verse poems are perfect for kids:

  1. Freedom and Expression. Unlike traditional poems with set rules, free verse allows kids to write about anything they want, in their own unique way. They can capture their favorite things, amazing experiences, or even wildest dreams!
  2. Creativity and Imagination. Free verse poems encourage kids to use vivid words and descriptive details to paint a picture with their words. This helps build their creative muscles and lets their imaginations soar!

Getting Started: Tips for Writing Free Verse Poems

Here are some fun tips to help kids write their very own free verse poems.

Spark Creativity

Ask kids to think about their favorite things, like a pet, a hobby, or a special place. Encourage them to explore their memories and dreams.

Sensory Details

Help kids include details that engage all five senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. For example, instead of just saying “dog,” they could write “fluffy brown fur, wet nose wiggles, happy barks!”

Line Breaks and Structure

Show kids that where they break their lines can change the poem’s feel. Short lines can create a sense of urgency, while longer lines can create a calmer feeling.

Steps to Write a Free Verse Poem

Here are step-by-step instructions for writing a free poem.

  1. Choose a Topic: Keep it simple! Animals, nature, hobbies, or even a feeling like happiness or sadness are great choices.
  2. Brainstorm: Have kids jot down words and phrases that describe their chosen topic.
  3. Drafting: This is where the magic happens! Help kids combine their words and phrases into lines and stanzas (groups of lines). There are no wrong answers, so encourage them to have fun!
  4. Revise and Edit: Read the poem aloud, listen to the flow, and make changes for clarity and impact.

Free Verse Poem Examples (Short)

Consider examples of free verse.

Example 1:

Raindrops pitter-patter,
on my window pane.
Shiny puddles growing,
mirror the gray sky.

Example 2:

Swinging high,
touching the clouds.
Laughter rings out,
happy and free.

Free Verse Poem Examples (High School)

Check out examples of free poems for older children.

Example 1:

The city sleeps,
a canvas of neon dreams.
Lonely taxi horns cry,
in the quiet night.

Example 2:

Faded photograph,
smiles frozen in time.
Memories whisper,
of a simpler yesterday.

Using a Free Verse Poem Generator

A free verse poem generator is a website or app that can create poems based on keywords or prompts. These can be a fun way to spark ideas, but remember, the best poems come from a child’s own creativity!

How to Use a Poem Generator:

  1. Visit a free verse poem generator website.
  2. Enter a keyword or choose a prompt.
  3. The generator will create a poem based on your input.
  4. Use the poem as a starting point for your own free verse creation!

Once your child’s poem is complete, encourage them to share it with the world! They can read it aloud in class, share it with family, or even submit it to the school newsletter. Sharing their work builds confidence and fosters a sense of accomplishment.

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