100 Things that Start with a E


Learning new words is a fantastic way to boost your knowledge and communication skills. For children, building a strong vocabulary is crucial for their overall development. This article focuses on the letter “E” and presents a diverse list of objects, items, food, animals, plants, emotions, and educational tools that begin with this letter. By the end of this exploration, you’ll have a richer vocabulary and a deeper appreciation for the versatility of the letter E.

Everyday Objects Beginning with E

Everyday objects are things we encounter regularly. Here are some common examples that start with the letter E:

  • Earphones: Small devices used to listen to audio.
  • Envelope: A paper container for letters or documents.
  • Eraser: A tool used to remove pencil marks.
  • Elevator: A vertical transportation system within buildings.
  • Egg: An oval-shaped food produced by birds.
  • Eyeglasses: Frames with lenses used for improved vision.
  • Exit: A way out of a place.
  • Engine: A machine that produces power.
  • Easel: A stand for supporting a canvas or drawing board.
  • Echo: A sound reflected off a surface.
  • Electricity: A form of energy that powers devices.
  • E-book: A digital book that can be read on electronic devices.
  • Elephant: A large gray mammal with long trunk.
  • E-mail: Electronic messages sent and received over a network.
  • Entrance: A way into a place.
  • Espresso: A strong coffee beverage.
  • Energy: The ability to do work or cause change.
  • Event: An occurrence or happening.
  • Eraser: A tool used to remove pencil marks.

Household Items Beginning with E

Our homes are filled with countless items. Here are some examples that start with E:

  • Electric kettle: A device for boiling water.
  • Espresso machine: A machine for making espresso coffee.
  • Extension cord: A cable used to increase the length of an electrical cord.
  • Exterminator: A person who controls pests.
  • Electric stove: A cooking appliance that uses electricity.
  • Encyclopedia: A reference book with information on various subjects.
  • E-reader: A device for reading electronic books.
  • Electric toothbrush: A toothbrush powered by electricity.
  • Entrance mat: A mat placed at the entrance of a building.
  • Exhaust fan: A fan that removes air from a space.
  • Electric blanket: A blanket that provides warmth through electricity.
  • Embroidery hoop: A circular frame for holding fabric for embroidery.
  • Eraser: A tool used to remove pencil marks.
  • Etagere: A piece of furniture with shelves for displaying objects.
  • Egg timer: A kitchen tool used to measure cooking time.
  • Essential oil diffuser: A device that disperses essential oils into the air.
  • Ethernet cable: A cable used for connecting devices to a network.
  • Electric mixer: A kitchen appliance for mixing ingredients.
  • Evening gown: A formal dress worn in the evening.

Food Items Beginning with E

Food is essential for our survival, and there are many delicious options that start with E:

  • Eggplant: A purple vegetable often used in various dishes.
  • Eclair: A long pastry filled with cream.
  • Edamame: Young soybeans boiled or steamed.
  • Elderberry: A dark berry used in jams, syrups, and wine.
  • Endive: A leafy green vegetable often used in salads.
  • Energy bar: A snack bar providing energy.
  • English muffin: Round bread split in half.
  • Espresso: A strong coffee beverage.
  • Edible flowers: Flowers that can be eaten.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: High-quality olive oil.
  • Euphoria cookies: Cookies with a unique flavor and texture.
  • Edamame hummus: A creamy dip made from edamame.
  • Egg noodles: A type of pasta made from eggs.
  • Elder flower cordial: A sweet drink made from elder flowers.
  • Eclairs: Long pastries filled with cream.
  • Energy drinks: Beverages providing a boost of energy.
  • English breakfast tea: A popular blend of black tea.
  • Espresso martini: A cocktail made with espresso, vodka, and coffee liqueur.
  • Edible seaweed: A type of seaweed that can be eaten.

Animals and Plants Beginning with E

The natural world is full of fascinating creatures and plants. Here are some examples that start with E:

  • Elephant: A large gray mammal with a long trunk.
  • Eagle: A large bird of prey with sharp talons.
  • Elm tree: A tall tree with broad leaves.
  • Eucalyptus: A tall evergreen tree with aromatic leaves.
  • Emu: A large flightless bird native to Australia.
  • Earthworm: A long, segmented worm that lives in soil.
  • Echidna: A spiny mammal native to Australia.
  • Electric eel: A freshwater fish that can produce electricity.
  • Eagle owl: A large owl with powerful talons.
  • Emperor penguin: A large penguin species found in Antarctica.
  • Eel: A long, slender fish.
  • Eucalyptus tree: A tall evergreen tree with aromatic leaves.
  • Elephant grass: A tall grass species.
  • Edible mushroom: A mushroom that is safe to eat.
  • Echinoderm: A marine invertebrate with a spiny skin.
  • Emperor dragonfly: A large dragonfly species.
  • Eel grass: A type of aquatic plant.
  • English bulldog: A breed of dog with a stocky build.
  • Emu oil: Oil extracted from emu fat.

Positive Words and Emotions Beginning with E

Words have the power to inspire and uplift. Here are some positive words and emotions that start with E:

  • Excited: Feeling enthusiastic and eager.
  • Enthusiastic: Showing intense interest and eagerness.
  • Energetic: Full of energy and vitality.
  • Empathetic: Able to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Excellent: Fantastic or superior.
  • Encouraging: Giving support and confidence.
  • Ecstatic: Feeling extreme happiness and excitement.
  • Ebullient: Cheerful and full of energy.
  • Elegant: Graceful and stylish.
  • Endearing: Inspiring affection or love.
  • Eternal: Lasting forever.
  • Euphoric: Feeling intense excitement and happiness.
  • Exceptional: Unusually good or outstanding.
  • Exquisite: Extremely beautiful and delicate.
  • Empowered: Feeling confident and capable.
  • Enchanted: Filled with delight and wonder.
  • Enlightened: Having gained knowledge and understanding.
  • Equanimous: Mentally calm and composed.
  • Elevated: Raised to a higher level or status.
  • Ethereal: Extremely delicate and light.

Educational and Fun Items for Kids Beginning with E

Learning should be enjoyable! Here are some educational and fun items for kids that start with E:

  • Encyclopedia: A reference book with information on various subjects.
  • Easel: A stand for supporting a canvas or drawing board.
  • Experiment kit: A set of materials for conducting scientific experiments.
  • Educational toys: Toys that promote learning and development.
  • Electronic learning games: Interactive games for learning.
  • Enrichment activities: Activities that enhance learning.
  • Explorer kit: A set of tools for exploring nature.
  • Educational puzzles: Puzzles that teach while entertaining.
  • English language learning materials: Resources for learning English.
  • E-learning platforms: Online platforms for learning.
  • Encyclopedia of animals: A book about different animals.
  • Exercise equipment for kids: Equipment for physical activity.
  • Educational apps: Apps designed for learning.
  • Enrichment programs: Programs that offer additional learning opportunities.
  • E-books for kids: Digital books for children.
  • English language learning songs: Songs to learn English.
  • Educational board games: Board games that teach while playing.
  • Enrichment classes: Classes that offer additional learning.
  • E-learning courses: Online courses for learning.
  • English language learning flashcards: Flashcards for learning English vocabulary.

Expanding your vocabulary is a rewarding journey. By exploring the letter E, we’ve discovered a wide range of objects, items, food, animals, plants, emotions, and educational tools. This knowledge can enrich your conversations, writing, and overall understanding of the world.

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